Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Leopards passing our safari vehicle...


Here are some preschoolers I visited in South Africa. They are reciting the alphabet and other songs they have memorized in english. There is something so universal about little kids performing at top of their lungs! :)

This is a video of my drive to work. I was trying to capture how Kigali is situated on two hillsides.

Here is a video of the silverback gorilla munching away on bamboo shoots.

Here is a baby hanging on to his mother.

Here are two babies playing together. One of them beats his chest playfully and scares the other one. The silverback is laying next to them.


Clare Bolek said...

Wendy how did you know that elephant didn't like you? You just need to give the one some privacy while he is going to the bathroom! Love the kids singing too...there is something universally cute about kids singing/yelling.

Anonymous said...

I love it! Please keep uploading more video! Pictures are great but video is awesome!!!
The kids made me smile. Wow, that one was
a screamer! I natural leader! Love you...

Anonymous said...

omg why is it watching a gorilla eat bamboo is so fascinating? I want to watch it again an again.
I also love your drive to work. It is interesting to see all of the walkers. Why don't we do this more here? I guess they do in the citites. I travel to work amongst a sea of other metal gas guzzlers.

Unknown said...

What about the goats???? Wendy, I've been checking the blog regularly. This is fantastic. I'm trying to convince a certain speedway teacher he needs to have his kids post questions to you. The pictures, stories and videos are fantastic. Keep it up. Love you. charlotte