Wendy, I'm amazed, impressed, and absolutely delighted that your Mom forwarded your blog. I'll be reading and sharing your adventure. I'm so glad you are doing this. Connie Dagon
Wendy, I am so glad to be able to follow your adventures. Some of your comments sound like our experience in Russia - especially the shopping. How I wished for a Target. We didn't have lizards, though. I imagine you will be able to track down the things you need through colleagues or expats who are leaving. Anyhow, I look foward to hearing more about what sounds like a fascinating experience. Joan FitzGibbon
Wendy, I'm amazed, impressed, and absolutely delighted that your Mom forwarded your blog. I'll be reading and sharing your adventure. I'm so glad you are doing this.
Connie Dagon
Wendy, I am so glad to be able to follow your adventures. Some of your comments sound like our experience in Russia - especially the shopping. How I wished for a Target. We didn't have lizards, though. I imagine you will be able to track down the things you need through colleagues or expats who are leaving. Anyhow, I look foward to hearing more about what sounds like a fascinating experience.
Joan FitzGibbon
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